I first read this over 35 years ago, and it’s stayed with me ever since. They’re my hopes for you.
To those whose burdens are heavy, may you find a friend to help you share the load.
To those whose hearts are touched by sorrow, may you be surprised by joy.
To those who feel lonely, may companions come to share your life.
To those who feel angry, may you be purged and find gaiety stealing into your life.
To those who feel depressed, may you be uplifted.
To those who seek forgiveness, may it be granted to you.
To those who are fearful, may you be filled with courage.
To each child, woman, and man who reads these words, my wish is for this season to be a time when your heart is gladdened, your body is refreshed, your mind invigorated, and your soul touched in its depths by happiness and love.