Help Me Help Others

May I once again ask you for your generous contributions in support of my effort to advance the critical work of the Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network.

This year marks the sixth in which I’ve lived with bladder cancer. I’ve been extremely fortunate — my cancer was discovered early. Although I’ve undergone multiple procedures over the last six years to remove recurring tumors, I’ve avoided the invasive, life-changing surgeries and chemotherapy many of my fellow patients must endure. On May 7th, I’ll be walking in Washington, DC with fellow patients and their families to boost awareness of the disease, and help raise funds to support the critical work of theBladder Cancer Advocacy Network.

Bladder Cancer is the 5th most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States, and impacts men and women of all ages and races. It’s estimated over 500,000 people are living with bladder cancer. This year, almost 77,000 new cases of bladder cancer will be diagnosed, and over 16,000 individuals will die. Although it’s estimated that treatment costs are over $4 billion in the United States alone, investments in research aimed at the disease are low — just over $20 million.

You can make a contribution here. It will help the Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network in its efforts to further research, and provide direct assistance to those suffering from the disease:

  • Provide its educational Patient Handbook, Bladder Cancer Basics for the Newly Diagnosed
  • Provide funding for direct patient support programs such as Survivor 2 Survivorand BCAN Connection
  • Continue BCAN’s Patient Insight Webinars

For information about the Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (BCAN) and its programs, you can visit

My sincere thanks for your support, and for helping me to change the lives of those affected by bladder cancer.

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