So, here we are…it’s April, and the race is a week away and approaching fast. I’ve been feeling better this week, although I’ve been careful with my training runs to avoid injury. It’s likely I’m being overly cautious, but as the saying goes, once burned, twice shy. Details after the jump.
In any event, this last week’s training has mostly followed the program for the last few weeks. I was happy to get back to my yoga class, I still feel quite tight so the stretching is helpful and here’s a psychological benefit as well. Going forward, I’m planning to incorporate this into my training to a greater degree.
I had a couple of short runs during the week — a 3.2 mile route that includes the “killer” hill in my neighborhood, and a shorter 2 mile run. I think I’ve talked about the hill before — my neighborhood is quite hilly, but this on is special, long and steep. I haven’t made it to the top without stopping to walk — but I’m getting closer. And my performance on less challenging hills has improved significantly, so it’s having a positive impact.
My long run went well, and helped get me back on track and in a good place — physically and emotionally — before the race. Eight miles on the W&OD trail with my PR Training Programs group. I focused on trying to maintain a steady pace and thought about form more than normal.
For this week, I’ll keep up the yoga and plan a couple more shorter runs. Although not by intention, I’ve more or less tapered, so at this point it’s mostly to stay limber, keep my head in the race, and try to eke out a tiny bit more training.
If you’ve been following along, you know my training has had it’s ups and downs. Despite my best efforts, I’ve not lost the weight I’d hoped at the outset. Not sure what’s happening there, but definitely needs attention. I’ve also had a hard time getting to the gym for strength training. So, another area to improve.
With all that said, while I’m not as trained as I’d hoped, or would like, I think I’m in an ok position. A PR seems unlikely at this point, but it’s not entirely out of the question if things go well. And at worst, I should be able to equal my past performance. As the saying goes, at this point, it sort of is what it is, and worrying isn’t going to help.
A lot of what’s left of the upcoming week will be focused on preparing for the race. Weather looks to be up in the air — as of Sunday, the forecast called for snow. Right now, it’s looking like some sunshine, although cool temps and a moderate breeze could make Haines Point a challenge. But, the predictions for peak blooms for the Cherry Blossom trees will make for a beautiful course.
If you’re running, be sure to visit the CUCB website for details on the pre-race expo, packet pickup, and changes to the process for getting to corrals and the race route itself. (Plan to get there early, and be prepared for a little confusion engendered by construction around the Washington Monument and the Memorial Bridge).
Be sure to visit the linkup for CUCB training blogs — add yours, and see what others are doing.
1 comments On And Suddenly, It’s April
I’ve learned the hard way it’s better to be under-trained than over-trained. You’ve done the best you could and now it’s time to relax and enjoy the blossoms!